14 killed when bus slides off Nile ferry

Fourteen people traveling to a cemetery were killed Friday in Egypt when a minibus slid off a ferry into the Nile River.

The dead were all residents of the village of Beni Haydar, al-Masry al-Youm reported. Twenty bus passengers, all from the same village, survived, three of them with injuries.

The ferry was in the middle of the river at the time of the accident. The bus boarded the ferry at Ashmant, about 50 miles south of Cairo.

The victims, all men, ranged in age from 18 to 50, although most were in their 20s and 30s.

Hamdi Farouk, a prosecutor in Beni Suef, ordered the arrest of the owner and operator of the ferry pending the outcome of an investigation into the accident, the Egyptian newspaper said.

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