7 Dead, 606 injured in 4 days of political clashes: Egypt’s health ministry

Egyptian health ministry reports seven deaths and 606 injuries Saturday from intermittent clashes between President Morsi’s supporters and opponents since Wednesday throughout six governorates in the run-up to the widely-anticipated anti-government mass demonstrations planned for Sunday, 30 June.

The report confirmed the death of an American citizen in clashes that broke out in the coastal city of Alexandria Friday, where the office of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party was also set on fire.

A US citizen, identified as 21-year-old Andrew Driscoll, died of a stab wound to the chest, while an unidentified Egyptian citizen died from a gunshot to the head.

An Egyptian was also killed Friday night during an anti-Morsi rally in the pivotal city, Port Said.

Regarding clashes that took place in Mansoura in the Delta governorate of Daqahlia, the ministry’s report says that three died – one of which had sustained a gunshot wound.

Hundreds of members of the Brotherhood, which fielded Morsi for president, demonstrated in support of the presidency outside a local mosque following afternoon prayers.

Four hundred eighty of the 606 injured were released from hospitals by Friday night, according to the report.

Sunday’s protests – planned by opposition-backed ‘Rebel’ petition drive – will take place on Morsi’s first anniversary in power, demanding his resignation and snap presidential elections.

Campaigners accuse the Morsi administration of “failing to implement policies to improve the life of ordinary people.”

Hundreds of thousands of Morsi’s Islamist supporters staged a mass demonstration Friday in support of the president’s “democratic legitimacy” as a response to Sunday’s scheduled demonstrations.

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