Abu Simbel road now open after protest

Early on Friday evening, security forces reported that they had managed to open the Abu Simbel highway.

Dozens of locals in the town of Abu Simbel in Upper Egypt had blocked the main highway between Aswan city and Abu Simbel on Friday, according to Al-Ahram Arabic.

A number of buses carrying a total of 630 tourists were prevented from leaving Abu Simbel because of the incident.

Al-Ahram’s reporter Mohamed Bakry told Ahram Online that “according to security sources, the tourists are staying at hotels in Abu Simbel until the road is clear, because the security forces have failed to persuade the locals to open the road.”

The incident occurred because of a dispute between two local families over a piece of state land, which led to violence in which one person was injured. The family of the injured man then blocked the highway.

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