Army to issue constitutional declaration

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Egypt, in charge of the country’s affairs since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak and his corrupt regime, announced Monday plans to issue a constitutional declaration soon to shape governance in the transitional period. Gen. Mamdouh Shahin, assistant Defence Minister for Legal and Constitutional affairs, said the Army is preparing a detailed road map that will include time tables for the upcoming process, including the formation of new political parties. Gen. Shahin indicated that parliamentary elections should take place in September, while presidential polls are slated for much later in the year.

Shahin also said an elected 100-member parliament will be tasked with writing a new constitution for the country that meets the demands of all Egyptians and mirrors the calls of the 25th of January Revolution.

Shahin, a prominent member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, also reiterated the fact that the Army has no intention of clinging to power.

The Army had backed the Revolution from day one, and promised to lead the nation safely to the free society the people aspire and deserve.

Egyptians voted overwhelmingly at the weekend in favor of Army-backed constitutional amendments.

Some 77.2% of Egyptians voted Yes for amendments capping future Presidents’ stay in office to eight years of two four-year terms, and giving the judiciary – instead of the police – full responsibility of any future electoral process.

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