Brotherhood’s party boycotts meeting with Egypt’s interim president

The Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party secretary-general rejects the invitation for dialogue extended by Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour.

“The party doesn’t acknowledge the coup d’etat, we stress that the legitimate president for Egypt is Mohamed Morsi,” reads the statement issued by FJP Secretary-General Hussein Ibrahim, whose party fielded Morsi.

The military removed Morsi when an estimated 33 million people hit the streets nationwide to call for early presidential elections and tensions raised in Cairo with nearby counter-demonstrations.

After being sworn in on Thursday, among Mansour’s first actions was to call for dialogue on Saturday in attempt to end political polarisation in Egypt.

The interim president is currently meeting with representatives of different political forces and members of the Rebel campaign that had called for the mass protests to “withdraw confidence” in Morsi.

Mansour also met with his new aides, constitutional consultant Judge Aly Awad Saleh, political consultant Mostafa Hegazy and security consultant General Rafaat Shehata.

A presidential source revealed that Adly focused his discussion with his aides and political forces on a new constitutional declaration that will soon be announced. The declaration will provide details on how the upcoming transitional period will be managed.

On Friday, hundreds of thousands of pro-Morsi supporters held rallies across Egypt to protest what they label a coup d’état against the country’s first democratically-elected leader and vowed to continue protesting until he is reinstated.

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