Building collapse in Egypt’s Alexandria leaves 1 dead

A woman was killed in Alexandria on Tuesday when a three-story residential building collapsed.

The building collapsed in the Karmouz area in western Alexandria. Housewife Heba Ibrahim Youssef, 34, was injured in the accident and died on arrival at hospital.

Investigations revealed that the building, which consisted of three apartments, one on each floor, collapsed after part of the ceiling of the top floor caved in.

The coastal city has seen a number of building collapses over the last few months. Collapses are related to a number of factors, including the old age of buildings, illegal extensions, and corruption of officials and landlords involved in regulating the housing sector in heavily-populated areas.

On 17 February, a man was killed and five were injured after a three-storey residential building in the district of Muharram Bek collapsed.

On January 16, a building collapsed in Al-Maamoura district, killing 28 and injuring at least eleven more.

In 2008, at least 11 people were killed in Alexandria after a four-storey building collapsed at night while residents were asleep.

A similar collapse in July 2012 killed at least nine people, and in October that year, another four were killed.

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