Cairo muzzles press ahead of referendum

The media in Egypt is called on to show restraint Friday to avoid swaying public opinion ahead of a scheduled constitutional vote, the military said.

Cairo is to vote on proposed constitutional amendments Saturday. The election schedule is under pressure, however, as many politicians said they would vote against the planned amendments.

The proposed amendments will reduce a presidential term to four from six years and impose a two-term limit.

The ruling Supreme Council of Armed Forces called on the media not to publish anything that would sway public opinion ahead of the vote, Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm reports.

Military authorities encouraged the public to get out and vote, however.

Military rulers took control over Egypt after Hosni Mubarak resigned as president Feb. 11. The supreme council said it wanted to have presidential and parliamentary elections this year, though critics said that timeline is too hasty.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said he will vote against the constitutional referendum scheduled for Saturday.

Moussa is one of the early contenders for the presidency in Egypt.

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