
Pyramids to go dark for “Earth Hour”

The Pyramids and the Sphinx, normally bathed in the golden glow of high-powered floodlights, will go dark for an hour on Saturday, in a symbolic statement Egyptian environmentalists hope might indirectly save the Nile Delta from inundation. The World Bank … read more

Egypt and Israel ponder 30-year peace

In Cairo, the 30th anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt is seen by many as a moment for regret, not celebration. “It’s a celebration for Israel – not for Egypt, not for the Arabs, … read more

Gov tries to hang up on killer SMS rumours

The Egyptian government has sought to dispel rumours that a mobile phone text message “from unknown foreign quarters” is spreading around the country and killing those who receive it. The extraordinary move by Egypt’s health and interior ministries follows press … read more

Sudan’s Beshir flouts war crimes warrant in Egypt

Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir arrived in Cairo on Wednesday, flaunting his freedom in defiance of an international arrest warrant for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Beshir was met at the airport by Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak, … read more

Egypt detains 17 members of Muslim Brotherhood

Seventeen members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood were detained on Wednesday on suspicion of engaging in banned political activity, an Egyptian security official said. The Brotherhood is Egypt’s largest opposition group. Though officially banned, members have run for political office … read more