Egypt Air strikes out Israel from route map

Egypt Air has removed Israel from its route map, even though its subsidiary, Air Sinai, flies to its capital, Tel Aviv, four times a week.

Customers seeking flights to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion National Airport will have a hard time finding them, as Israel does not exist on its map.

Israel has literally been removed from an online map on the airline’s website, which shows that Jordan’s border extends upto the Mediterranean Sea, thus swallowing up Israel.

However, other Middle East capitals, Amman, Beirut, and Damascus are featured on the map, reports The Daily Mail.

The exclusion seems odd especially since flights out of Egypt to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion National Airport are very popular. he Cairo-Tel Aviv flights were temporarily halted following the recent uprising in Egypt that overturned the government, but had been reinstated later.

There had also been an increase in passengers on the Air Sinai’s flights.

According to the Airports Authority, the airline saw a 27 percent increase in passengers in 2010 compared to previous years.

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