Egypt at a crossroads

Egypt finds itself at a crossroads one year after Muhammad Mursi became the country’s first democratically elected president. Massive protests are taking place across the country calling for Mursi’s exit.

During Mursi’s one-year rule, Egypt’s political and economic stability has further deteriorated. Mursi’s actions — or lack thereof — have angered many Egyptians and deepened political divisions that led to fresh outbursts of violence.

Unfortunately, political camps, instead of joining hands to confront monumental challenges facing the country, are bitterly divided. The government and opposition are showing their strengths in different parts of capital. Big cities are witnessing fierce clashes between the government supporters and opposition activists. The opposition is trying hard to make famous Tahrir Square a rallying point against the Mursi government. Hate speeches being delivered at large demonstrations are adding fuel to the fire and bringing the country to the brink of collapse. As a matter of fact, Egypt is not the only country in the world, which is witnessing economic turmoil, many countries, including European nations, are in the grip of economic meltdown. As a result of an unprecedented economic recession, most of these countries are forced to take some tough measures that are not going down well the masses. After long years of Mubark rule, Egypt had embarked on a democratic era. Although public expectations are very high but no one can bring economic revolution in just one year. Only a united political leadership can bring about change in lives of normal people. — Khawaja Umer Farooq, Jeddah

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