Egypt Postpones Election, Faces New Realities

The Egyptian military high council has announced that parliamentary elections are being put off until September. Opposition leaders are asking for more time to organize themselves into political parties. Presidential elections, originally scheduled for August, will also be held then. They say they will also be lifting the state of emergency. This comes as a relief to younger Egyptians; they were the propelling force behind the demonstrations in January and February that ousted president Hosni Mubarak. But what has become of that group — and the pro-democracy movement that propelled change in the most populous country in the Arab World?

Joining us with an overview of the current political situation in the country is Dalia Ziada, Egyptian blogger and Regional Director of the American Islamic Congress.

Nicholas Kristof, columnist for The New York Times who covered the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, joins us as well to give us a peek into his reporter’s notebook.

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