Egypt Protests Continue, Death Toll At 6

Anti-government protests continued into third day, as two more people lost their lives in the riots, taking the death toll to 6.

Three protesters and one policeman had been killed on Tuesday’s ‘Day of Wrath’.

Thousands of protesters, aggrieved by rising unemployment, soaring food prices and prolonged state repression, defied the interior Ministry’s prohibitory orders and took to streets Wednesday.

Over 700 demonstrators have been arrested yesterday while nearly a hundred people were injured in Wednesday’s clashes, as the government tried its repressive best to contain the riots.

Nobel-prize winning Egyptian reformist and former IAEA chief, Mohammad El Baradei is expected to return to Egypt and add further strength to the intense protests that have rocked the country from Alexandria to Cairo to Suez. Protesters have been demanding an end to the 30-year old regime of President Hosni Mubarak. Suez has been the worst hit, with 3 of the six deaths reported from there.

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