Finance minister vows to increase minimum wage

Egyptian Finance Minister Samir Radwan said Sunday that raising minimum wages tops the new cabinet ‘s agenda, Xinhua informed.

The government has cooperated with the international associations to get the best advices, recommendations and experiences to help Egypt to tackle this problem, Radwan said.

The employment is as important as minimum wages and the government has to provide 650,000 job opportunities every year for the graduates, Radwan said.

“The finance ministry is studying many plans to prompt the Egyptian economy and provide the investors with incentives such as lands and licenses,” he added.

“The economy bases are strong and we are now studying the foreign aids to direct it to the most affected fields with transparency,” he said.

To raise the monthly minimum wages, which stood at 400 Egyptian pounds (about 68 U.S. dollars) according to a ruling by a Cairo court last year, has been one of the demands of protesters during their 18-day demonstrations, which force former President Hosni Mubarak to step down on Feb. 11.

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