Labor protests continue in Cairo and other governorates

Strikes and protests by workers in a number of trades and industries continued across Egypt on Tuesday, with many calling for improved salaries or working conditions, while others attempted to block moves that would reduce their income or hamper their careers.

Some 350 butane gas cylinder distributors in the Delta governorate of Daqahlia staged demonstrations before the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the city of Talkha, in protest against the ministry reducing the number of cylinders they receive.

In Cairo, 200 Tax Authority employees also staged protests, demanding salaries and bonuses commensurate with their qualifications.

Another 45 people staged demonstrations before the office of the Justice Minister, demanding the implementation of previous court rulings that had ordered their appointments to the ministry.

In Alexandria, 30 temporary teachers protested before the Ministry of Education. They demanded permanent contracts.

In Gharbiya, 1200 workers from the Financial and Industrial Company protested for better wages and incentives, while 350 workers of the Chipsy Company in Monufiya staged protests for the same purpose.

In Beheira, 100 students of the Nursing Institute also staged protests for not allowing them to join the nursing syndicate, which would affect their ability to find job opportunities.

In Ismailia, residents of the Mahsama village protested against the local council’s decision to close a bakery in the village that served 1500 residents.

Workers of the Spinning and Weaving Factory in Assiut refused to deliver the factory to its new buyer, a conglomerate of private banks that had obtained permission from former Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif to buy it.

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