20 thousand flyers urging to vote ‘yes’ distributed with bread in Damietta

Sharif Badawy, head of the Bakeries Division at the Chamber of Commerce, announced the printing 20 thousand flyer urging to vote “yes” in the referendum on the constitution amendments to be distributed with bread bags in Damietta.

The flyer would also contain the texts in the Constitution benefiting workers and craftsmen to urge citizens to support the newly amended constitution, which will be voted on in a referendum from 14 to 15 January.

Banners in support of the new constitution will also be printed and hung up in bakeries and bread outlets.

The Independent Furniture Makers Union has also launched a campaign in Damietta to vote “yes” on the constitution referendum.

Mohamad Muslim, the head of the union, said that the campaign contains printing 200 thousand flyers, in addition to hanging more large banners in the streets, all urging citizens to vote “yes.”

The Campaign would also aim to go to target union members in their places of work, at workshops, furniture factories and stores, to seek their support for the constitution.



Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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