3 Muslim Brotherhood leaders sent to criminal court

MBEgypt’s general prosecutor ordered on Wednesday the referral of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide Mohamed Badie, deputy supreme guide Khairat El-Shater, and deputy leader Rashad Bayoumi to criminal court for inciting violence against peaceful protesters. The prosecutor also ordered the arrest of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Osama Yassin and Essam El-Erian, in addition to Salafist preacher Safwat Hegazy. An arrest warrant was issued on Sunday for Badie. Earlier on Wednesday, the prosecution ordered that El-Shater and Bayoumi, in addition to former Brotherhood supreme guide Mahdy Akef and Freedom and Justice Party leader Saad El-Katatni, be detained for another 15 days in Tora Prison pending investigations into charges of inciting to kill protesters. All four are accused of inciting to kill protesters in front of the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo’s Mokattam and around the pro-Morsi sit-in at Giza’s Nahda square. The Brotherhood leaders were arrested early July in a crack-down on Islamist figures following the popularly-backed army removal of elected president Morsi on 3 July.

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