Al-Ahram journalist shot dead at military checkpoint after curfew

download (1) Tamer Abdel-Raouf, manger of the Al-Ahram office in Beheira, was shot dead on Monday evening a few hours after the beginning of the state-imposed curfew at 7pm. Abdel-Raouf was returning from a meeting with the governor of Beheira, a Nile Delta province, and was driving with his colleague Hamed El-Barbary, the manager of the local office of Al-Gomhoreya newspaper. The pair were returning to their homes in the town of Kafr Al-Dawwar, Ahram Arabic reported. According to El-Barbary, a military checkpoint on the route refused to allow them to pass and started shooting, leaving Abdel-Raouf dead and El-Barbary wounded. Journalists and media personnel are officially exempt from curfew.

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