ANHRI slams draft law to ban protests in Egypt

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information has said that a new law passed by Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawy’s government to ban protests is similar to legislation drafted under “Hosni Mubarak’s oppressive state”.

A statement published on Wednesday said that the law takes away a right that Egyptians worked hard and died for.

The Mohamed Mursi administration tried to pass the same legislation before its ouster but legal and political criticism blocked its efforts.

The law grants the interior ministry the green-light to use force to disperse protests and bans sit-ins altogether.

It also forbids approaching worship houses, the parliament and other key buildings like police stations.

ANHRI director, Gamal Eid, described the law as “undemocratic” and criticized the justice minister, accusing him of tailoring legislation to the government’s liking.

This content is from : Aswat Masriya

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