Arrests of MB and affiliates continue

mb12The Ministry of Interior announced Friday afternoon the arrests of 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood at dawn on Friday.

The ministry said that this is part of its efforts to bring in “Brotherhood elements with summons orders from the general prosecution.”

The 14 were arrested from Qaliubiya, Sohag, Beheira, Minya, Menufiya, Beni Suef and Assiut.

The Head of the Engineer’s Syndicate in Beni Suef Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Hussein Marzouq had been arrested, early Friday morning.

Marzouq was arrested outside his house, according to the Freedom and Justice Party’s news service. Marzouq’s home was raided and left in a state of chaos before he was taken in.

Omar Al-Zuhair an adviser to former Prime Minister Hesham Qandil was also arrested Friday for retaining Cabinet documents after ending his service in the Cabinet.

In Sinai, Rady Hussein a Muslim Brotherhood figure was arrested on Thursday by the military for “inciting attacks on police stations in North Sinai,” a statement by the military read.

A Freedom and Justice former parliamentarian and Brotherhood leader Mohsen Rady was also arrested Friday morning. He was taken from his daughter’s apartment in Nasr City.

In addition, the Freedom and Justice Party’s news service reported on Friday that the homes of four Freedom and Justice Party members were raided by police. “The houses were searched and their contents fully destroyed,” the report said, adding that none of the members were arrested because they were not in their homes at the time of the raids.

In a wide-ranging crackdown on supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, Brotherhood figures have been arrested one after the other. Last week, three prominent Brotherhood figures were put behind bars and dozens of Muslim Brotherhood members were handed verdicts by a military court, including one life sentence.

Brotherhood figures behind bars include Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie who stands trial along with his deputies on charges of involvement in killing protesters on 30 June. Former MPs Mohamed Al-Beltagy and Farid Ismail, and former Shura Council member Sobhi Saleh are also behind bars.

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