Brotherhood demos Friday titled “100 days of Sisi rule”

The so-called National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) and the Muslim Brotherhood group on Tuesday called on supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsy to rally on Friday in a demonstration titled “100 days of Sisi rule.”
Sources within the group speaking on condition of anonymity said the international organization called for this demonstration because it is frustrated at the deportation of seven leaders from Qatar.
They said this time the group is organizing large gatherings in specific areas instead of small numbers in several areas, pointing to Haram, Ain Shams and Helwan.
NASL denounced the regime in a statement for the nationalization of political life, the arrest of the leaders of the revolution, the division of society, the destruction of universities, the militarization of the state, the abolition of the law, the violation of freedom, justice, public opinion and the independence of the judiciary and corrupting morals and values​​.
The MB-led group had led protests against Sisi in 2013 after toppling Morsy who was affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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