Brotherhoods Gehad al-Haddad had prepared an apology but sit-in dispersal cancelled it

GehadMBSources say that the Muslim Brotherhood had prepared an apology written by Gehad al-Haddad, son of deposed presidential adviser Essam al-Haddad, and that it was supposed to be announced by Ahmed Aref, a Brotherhood spokesperson. Essam Talimah, a Brotherhood Youth member, said the apology was only a draft that had not been presented to Brotherhood leaders. “We rehearsed it in Rabaa al-Adaweya Square but never announced it publicly,” he said, declining to confirm that it was Gehad al-Haddad who had written it. According to the sources, the statement was supposed to have said that it [the Muslim Brotherhood] had failed to implement its gradual reform program due to resistance from what it calls the “deep” state that remained rooted after the fall of the Mubarak regime.“Yes we made a mistake when we decided not to purge the state institutions directly and immediately, which was the strategy of the youth, and followed our own strategy of gradual reform that proved ineffective with the corrupt institutions,” read a portion of the apology. The group was also going to admit that it took wrong political stances, such as not siding with the rebels when police forces fired on them on Mohamed Mahmoud Street. The statement would have gone on to justify Brotherhood mistakes by saying that the Muslim Brotherhood had intended to work for the good of the nation but took the wrong path, and so it [the Muslim Brotherhood] apologizes to all revolutionaries, the comrades of Tahrir, and the great people of Egypt The statement was going to call on the masses of Egypt to unite and rally for the sake of the martyrs around the banner of the revolution, which had been hijacked by the “evil advocates” of the old regime.

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