Cairo court clears ‘S&M Queen’ from porn-related charges

A university student, widely known as ‘Queen Shahy the Sadomasochism Legend’, accused of operating porn websites in addition to other charges, was acquitted on Sunday, a judicial source said.

The Cairo misdemeanor court also accused the woman of abusing communication means and inciting debauchery.

She was fined LE500 ($65) for operating sex websites and acquitted of the rest of the accusations. She was arrested while selling sex toys, the source added.

Shahy, who allegedly created over 80 porn sites, was also accused for drawing clients to her sadistic sex sessions, charging LE1500 ($197) per hour, according to Al-Ahram Arabic news website.

During her first trial hearing earlier this month, the defendant appeared wearing the Islamic head scarf.

Convictions over debauchery and offending public morals in Egypt can be punishable by jail sentences.

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