Cairo denies reports that 100 Egyptians were deported from Germany

Egypt’s ambassador to Germany has denied media reports that a hundred Egyptians were deported to Cairo over violations of residency requirements, the Egyptian foreign ministry said in a statement.

According to Ambassador Badr Abdel-Ati, only nine Egyptians were deported from Germany on Thursday for violations of residency requirements.

“The nine Egyptians were deported after several months of coordination with the Egyptian embassy in Berlin and the Egyptian consulates in Frankfurt and Hamburg, as well the Egyptian authorities back in Cairo, to issue them travel documents,” he said in his statement.

On Wednesday, Reuters quoted anonymous officials at Cairo International Airport as saying that a flight had landed in Cairo carrying 100 Egyptian deportees, adding that it was the first time for Germany to deport such numbers to Cairo.

Abdel-Ati added that if that flight from Cairo to Frankfurt that had on board a hundred passengers, then the majority were from the technical, media and security support teams, insisting that Egyptian deportees were not more than nine.

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