Child loses hand in North Sinai blast

A child has lost his hand in a blast in North Sinai’s Sheikh Zuweid, state news agency MENA reported on Monday.


It is unclear whether an IED or a landmine caused the explosion.

The 10-year-old boy was transferred to Al-Arish hospital and police are investigating the incident.

Egypt’s army has been waging a major offensive against Islamic insurgents in the northern part of the peninsula.

Jihadist groups have used IEDs, among other methods, to attack security forces on a number of occasions.

The army has targeted militant hideouts with helicopters and ground troops, killing dozens in recent months.

However, news reports have surfaced over the past months claiming that civilians too have been caught in the crossfire.

At least six decapitated bodies of civilians, reportedly killed by militants, have been found in North Sinai in the last month.

On Saturday, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said that security forces in Sinai were working to ensure the safety of innocent civilians.

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