Clashes in Damietta leave 55 injured, 11 jailed

c4cfa8ef-fcab-4f3f-be5a-16e524059140Fifty-five people were injured in clashes early Monday between supporters of Egypt’s deposed President Mohamed Mursi and their opponents in the new Damietta city located north of Cairo. The clashes erupted after nearly a thousand of Mursi’s loyalists announced their intention to hold a sit-in in front of the Islamic Medical Center near the home of one of the supporters who were killed during Cairo clashes on July 27. The protesters chanted against the army and asked for the return of Mursi and the dissolved parliamentary houses. The residents of the area were raged by the sit-in decision and clashed with the protesters. Both sides fired gunshot and rubber bullets at each others, injuring dozens who were transferred to the hospital, according to an Aswat Masriya eyewitness. The security forces then interfered firing teargas to disperse the crowds. In addition, 11 were arrested on account of possessing cocktail bombs, the Islamic Center was evacuated and a number of cars, which belonged to the protesters, were vandalized. This content is from :Aswat Masriya

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