Cold weather in Egypt to continue for rest of week: Meteorologists

Egypt’s Meteorological Authority (EMA) has predicted that the cold weather facing the country will continue until the end of this week, expecting a further drop in temperatures on Wednesday night, MENA reported.

The authority said that frost is expected on Wednesday night on crops in central Sinai and North Delta.

Some clouds are also expected by mid-day in the northern parts of the country, accompanied by mild rains.

A fog will appear in Upper Egypt, Cairo and cities on the Suez Canal such as Ismailia and Suez city.

Cairo is expected to witness on Wednesday a high of 16 degrees Celsius and a low of 8 degrees. The coastal Mediterranean city of Alexandria will see a high of 16 and a low of 9.

The Red Sea resorts of Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh will both witness highs of 21, 22 and lows of 10 and 12.

The Upper Egypt governorates of Assiut and Minya will witness a high of 18 and a low of 4.

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