Constitution to be put to referendum in December: deputy PM

Egypt’s deputy prime minister, Ziad Bahaa Eddin, has suggested a referendum on the new constitution could be put forward as early as December.

The constitution could be put to referendum in late December or early January next year, Bahaa Eddin announced, to be followed by parliamentary and presidential elections in 2014.

The deputy prime minister said that the current Cabinet is transitional and has only been tasked with putting Egypt back on the path of democracy and stimulating the Egyptian economy.

Egypt’s road to democracy was complicated by the rule of Mohamed Morsy, Bahaa Eddin claimed in an interview with CNN on Monday, pointing to restrictions on freedoms.

Bahaa Eddin denied the possibility of compromising with political adversaries in Egypt. Egyptians look down on that term, he argued.

“We are witnessing a sharp political polarization at this time and we should be looking [out] for the interests of Egypt and Egyptians,” the deputy PM said.

All political forces will be integrated into the political process except those that have committed crimes, he added.

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