Court adjourns verdict imposing fines on Mubarak, Adly, Nazif for communication cut to 22 March

Supreme Administrative Court postponed on Saturday appeals submitted by deposed President Hosni Mubarak, former Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif and former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly against verdict that ordered them all pay LE540 million as compensation for cutting internet and mobile phone services during 25 January revolution to 22 March.

Administrative Court had earlier ordered each of Mubarak, Nazif and Adly to pay LE540 million for damages against the national economy as a result of cutting communications during the revolution.

According to the ruling, Mubarak was ordered to pay LE200 million, Adly was to pay LE300 million, while Nazif was ordered to pay LE40 million.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm


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