Doreen Assaad becomes first Canadian woman of Egyptian origin elected city mayor

Egypt’s immigration minister Nabila Makram Ebeid congratulated on Tuesday Dourine Assaad for winning the mayoral election in the city of Brossard in Canada’s Quebec province, becoming the first Canadian of Egyptian origin to be elected mayor in the history of Canada.

In a statement on Tuesday, Ebeid expressed her pride and appreciation for Assaad honouring Egypt’s name abroad.

Assaad, a Canadian-born mother of three children, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer at Montreal University, and is an expert in social and community services.

Assaad was a member of the Brossard city council since 2009.

Assaad was elected mayor after securing 39 percent of the vote in a multi-candidate contest, defeating five consecutive-term mayor Paul Leduc.

Brossard is a municipality in the Montérégie region of Quebec and is part of the Greater Montreal area. According to a 2011 census, Brossard’s population was 79,273.

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