Egypt denies Israel’s bomb attack on rocket base in Sinai

DroneEgypt’s Armed Forces denied on Friday that Israel has bombed a Jihadists rocket base in Sinai, but asserted one was killed during an explosion in southern Rafah in North Sinai, official news agency MENA reported. “Egypt sky is totally secured and nothing could infiltrate the Egyptian airspace,” MENA quoted the armed forces spokesman Ahmed Ali as saying. The armed forces still comb the site of explosion to find out the evidences and hold investigations and the forces only found till now a motor cycle near the dead body. “It is illogic that there is coordination between Egypt and Israel to hold attacks in regard to preserving security on the Egyptian lands,” he added. Ali also urged the media channels to stick to accuracy when circulating news that could have dangerous impact over its national security. Earlier Friday, state-run Ahram Website reported Israel has bombed a rocket base belonging to a hardline Jihadist militant group in Rafah city in Egypt’s North Sinai, killing at least five people. An Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle bombed the base after Israel had received tips saying that the militants would fire a rocket on Friday afternoon into the Jewish state, an Egyptian source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. He added security reports said the Jihadists have established a rocket base in southern Rafah city, near Israel’s Karam Abou-Salem border crossing point on Thursday evening.

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