Egypt public school fees increased by up to 45 percent: Ministry

Egypt’s education ministry has increased fees for public schools this school year across all formal education stages by 40 to 45 percent, or EGP 20 to 30, the ministry announced on its official website on Monday.

Fees for the kindergarten stage have been increased from EGP 45 to 65; for primary schools they have been raised from EGP 60 to 85; from EGP 65 to 90 for preparatory schools; and from EGP 85 to 115 for secondary schools. Fees for technical schools have been increased from EGP 75 to 105.

The ministry said that the increase in fees is the result of an increase in medical insurance for public school students.

The fees can be paid in two installments, one during the first term – by the end of October – and another in the second term.

The ministry also announced that some students will be exempted from school fees entirely, including the children of those who died during the 2011 revolution; the children of members of the Armed Forces, police and judiciary; the children of those who died in terrorist attacks; children from families who receive social solidarity pensions; the children of sole female breadwinners; and the children of special needs people.

The exemptions would be determined following a social survey.

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