Egypt will win the war against terrorism

Egypt will “win the war against the powers of darkness and terrorism with its heroic men and the people’s support for army and police forces”, said Prime Minister, Ibrahim Mahlab on Thursday.

The cabinet convened earlier today to discuss the current security status. The meeting began with a minute of silence for two armed forces personnel who were killed on Wednesday morning during a security crackdown.

“Egypt will not forget the sacrifices of its courageous army and police forces,” the cabinet said in a statement.

The cabinet condemned the violence of Muslim Brotherhood elements on Wednesday in Cairo, Alexandria, and Bani Soueif.

It also called for swift and decisive action against any attempt to start riots at universities.

Two were killed and 30 were injured in various cities on Wednesday.

The cabinet also urged university presidents to use their authority to combat any riots and sabotage.


This content is from :Aswat Masriya 

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