Egyptian authorities examine Morsi family wealth

MorsiA joint committee formed by Egypt’s Illicit Gains Authority – the Public Funds Investigation and Administrative Control Authority – has started to examine the financial disclosure of Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi, his wife and children, in order to make a report about the family’s wealth and assets.

The committee is expected to finish its work over the next two days.

Egypt’s prosecutor-general opened on Saturday an investigation into Morsi’s wealth, after a report was filed by the head of an anti-corruption association accusing the ousted president of taking personal advantage of his position, as well as squandering LE2 billion ($285.7 million) during his election campaign.

A judicial source told Ahram Online’s Arabic gate the committee’s mission includes an inventory of the properties of the former president, his wife and children, in all of the Egyptian governorates, including land and real estate.

The family’s banks accounts will also be examined, as well as shares in the stock market, if they exist.

In July, Egyptian prosecutors froze the assets of 14 prominent Islamists, including Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide and deputy leader Khairat El-Shater, as part of investigations into alleged ‘incitement of violence’ at protests.

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