Egypt’s benchmark index rises by 2.33 percent in first quarter of 2015 – report

The overall market capital of Egypt’s stock market rose by 1.2 percent in the first quarter of 2015 reaching 506.2 billion Egyptian pounds, despite a variance in the performances of the benchmark index and broader indexes, a report said on Wednesday.

The benchmark index EGX 30 rose by 2.33 percent in the first three months of the year, while the price index EGX 70 fell by 8.46 percent in the same period, said a copy of a quarterly report on the Egyptian stock exchange, provided by Egypt’s state news agency MENA.

The broader EGX 100 also dropped by 4.11 percent.

Egyptian investors dominated dealings this past quarter, carrying out 83.96 percent of them.

Arab investors performed 3.96 percent of overall dealings, while other foreign investors carried out 12.08 percent. The net sale value of the latter group was 496.12 million Egyptian pounds, while that of Arab investors was 57.21 million.

Around two thirds of dealings in the reporting period were completed by organisations, while individuals executed 35.92 percent of them.

This content is from :Aswat Masriya


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