Family of detained Al Jazeera journalist appeals to Sisi for release

Parents of detained Al Jazeera journalist, Peter Greste, have appealed directly to Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for their son’s release by Christmas, BBC reported Friday.

Greste is one of three Al Jazeera journalists sentenced to seven years in prison on June 23 on charges of defaming Egypt and spreading false news in the case known as the “Marriott Cell”.

Sisi said Thursday that he was considering pardoning the journalists in an interview with international TV channel France 24.

The two other detained journalists are BBC producer Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, who was sentenced to an additional three years for arms possession.

Egypt’s Court of Cassation has scheduled for an appeals hearing session in the case of Al Jazeera journalists accused of spreading false news on January 1.

On November 12, Sisi issued a decree allowing the deportation of foreign defendants and convicts “whenever the [state’s] supreme interest necessitates so.”

The decision came after Egypt has faced international condemnation for imprisoning two foreign journalists in June.

According to international watchdog Reporters Without Borders, 14 journalists are currently behind bars in Egypt.

This content is from :Aswat Masriya


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