FJP former MP Farid Ismail arrested in Sharqiya

FJPSecurity forces arrested former MP and member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Executive Office Farid Ismail in Sharqiya governorate Sunday, Reuters’ Aswat Masriya website reported. Ismail, 56, a leading member of the Brotherhood, was arrested in his house in Zagazig city of Sharqiya, a security source told Aswat Masriya. The charges he faces are yet to be officially announced. Ismail was as FJP MP in the former People’s Assembly (lower house of parliament) and was later appointed a member of the Shura Council. He was also member of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the 2012 constitution currently being amended. Tens of leading Muslim Brotherhood members and Islamist figures have been arrested since the deadly police crackdown on pro-Mohamed Morsi sit-ins in Cairo on 14 August. Among those arrested is the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie who, with several others including his deputy, Khairat El-Shater, is currently on trial for “inciting murder” in clashes at the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in June.

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