Islamist coalition calls for mass demonstrations on Friday

ninja marchThe National Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy called for staging mass demonstrations on Friday. The alliance said the goal of this million-man protest is to retrieve the 2011 revolution. The coalition, which groups Islamist parties supporting ousted President Mohamed Mursi, said it expects broad participation in today’s demonstrations. In a statement it issued, the Islamist alliance said that the goal of these demonstrations is to retrieve the January 25 Revolution which, according to the alliance, the June 30 Coup stole. The Muslim Brotherhood urged the people to take to the streets and peacefully stand up to those who support the coup. “The coup … silenced all the free voices and destroyed the nation’s economy,” the Brotherhood said in a statement. The group called on army and police elements to avoid being an oppression tool in the hands of the people supporting the coup. On the other hand, the Interior Ministry said its forces are ready for the repercussions of Friday’s demonstrations. This content is from : Aswat Masriya

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