Lack of fuel causes blackouts before summer

Power cuts lasted for over an hour in several locations in Egypt on Monday due to the lack of fuel to run power stations, which amounts to 2,000 megawatts, an informed source at the Ministry of Electricity told Youm7 Monday.

Some units are under maintenance, and some other units have reduced efficiency due to running on diesel instead of scarce gas, the source said.

Consumption outstripped the available electrical current, prompting the blackout, the source said, adding that these indicators raise concerns over the higher power needed in the summer.

The power cut saved 2,000 megawatts on Sunday and 1,800 on Saturday, the source added.

Egypt has subsidized fuel since the time of late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and none of the four presidents who succeeded him risked the possible popular anger at lifting the subsidies to ease the problem.

Blackouts and the energy crisis was a major grievance for Egyptians during the presidency of Mohamed Morsi.


Originally published in Youm7.

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