Military court sentences 11 to life for Suez clashes

An Egyptian protester shouts slogans to demand the release of political prisoners arrested by the military over the last 18 months, in front of the presidential palace in CairoSuez’s military court sentenced 11 people to 25 years in prison and 45 others to five years on Tuesday for violent events that took place in August upon the state’s dispersal of two sit-ins held by supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi.

The court acquitted eight others in what is considered the first military trial since Egypt declared a state of emergency on August 14.

The sixty-four defendants who stood trial on Tuesday were accused of attacking army forces, setting four vehicles on fire and attacking churches in Suez.

They included members of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ultraconservative Gamaa al-Islamiya and supporters of Mursi.

This content is from : Aswat Masriya


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