Minister: Egypt’s internet service to be better than Dubai’s

Communications Minister Khaled Negm claims Egypt’s internet service will be better than Dubai’s by next year, but perhaps not as fast as Tunisia’s.
“It will be over 256KB and 512KB… We will initially say the speed will be at least 1 MB,” he explained. “Next year it should be no less than 4MB or 8MB.”
Negm said that the initiative on the improvement of Internet service and providing an appropriate level of prices comes as a response to the strong dissatisfaction of the current service.
“We want Egypt to move ahead. We started the initiative and discussed it since early April and we are working on it until today. We stick to our promise despite obstacles,” he added.
“We can’t discuss all the details in media as it relates to the companies,” the minister said.
“The ministry and the Cabinet are pursuing the issue and insist to reach what they want,” he added.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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