Monthly international flights down by 11%, says aviation minister

no-shit-sherlockCivil Aviation Minister Abdel Aziz Fadel has said international flights on EgyptAir declined by 11 percent between July and August. Fadel called on Egyptians to work hard to achieve stability, after over a month of violence and tension has left a serious mark on Egypt’s already struggling tourism trade. Fadel visited the terminal allocated for EgyptAir pilgrimage flights to oversee the safe arrival of pilgrims, in light of the high number of flights coming from Jeddah and Madinah.The minister’s visit is the third since pilgrims started returning to Egypt. EgyptAir Director Hossam Kamal said flights returning from holy sites in Saudi Arabia were all regular and on time. The number of pilgrims transported by EgyptAir since the start of Umrah, in January, until the end of Ramadan reached 460,000 passengers. EgyptAir transported 59,094 passengers headed to perform Umrah during Ramadan on 315 flights. Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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