Morsi’s son says his father to address Egyptian people soon

The son of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi said Tuesday his father will issue a statement addressed to the Egyptian people, according to a Muslim Brotherhood-run website.

Osama Morsi did not say when the statement would be published or what it would focus on, reported the website of the Brotherhood’s official newspaper, Freedom and Justice.

He said the statement was drafted when a five-member delegation representing the defence team of several Islamist leaders accused of killing protesters visited Morsi, one of the accused, in prison.

Morsi, 62, who was toppled by the army in July after mass protests against his rule, is being tried for incitement to murder, which could result in the death penalty.

In the first trial session last week, Morsi refused to recognise the court and declared he was still Egypt’s legitimate president.

The delegation, which includes Osama Morsi, has urged the former president to appoint a defence lawyer, something he has so far refused to do.

Morsi had been held incommunicado by the army since his ouster on 3 July, but was sent to the heavily guarded Borg Al-Arab prison near the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on 4 November. The trial, which saw the first public sighting of the ousted president since his overthrow, was adjourned to 8 January.

Last week, security officials allowed Morsi a family visit, the first since his removal.

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