Mother puts her 3 children up for sale

A mother by the name of Hagar Taalab from Desouk, a city located in the northern Egyptian governorate of Kafr al-Sheikh, raised a banner stating her willingness to sell her three children to provide accommodation, food and medical treatment for her and her husband.

The family needed a place to stay after they had been forced to leave their apartment, consisting of just one room and a hall, as they could not afford to pay the rent.

Taalab told Al-Masry Al-Youm that she appealed to Desouk’s city mayor Bassiouny Zaid, who granted the family temporary accommodation in the form of a state-owned shop.

However, the family had been forced to leave the shop after it was sold, whereby the city authorities handed it over to its new owner, said Taalab.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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