Mursi faces new accusation of insulting judiciary

post-morsiFormer Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi is facing a new detention order for four days on charges of insulting the country’s judiciary, state media reported on Saturday.

The prosecutor issued a new detention order for Mursi over his comments that judges had rigged a 2005 parliamentary election.

Mursi, who is already being held by the military at an unknown location, refused to cooperate with prosecutors, the official MENA news agency reported.

“The investigative prosecutors accused Mohammad Mursi of insulting the judiciary by accusing 22 judges of forging parliamentary elections in 2005,” the agency reported, without providing details.

Mursi was referred to trial last week for allegedly inciting the murder of protesters outside the presidential palace in December 2012.

He was ousted by the military on July 3 following massive protests demanding his resignation after only a year in office.

Since Mursi’s removal from office, the government has been leading a crackdown against Muslim Brotherhood members, or Islamists linked to the group.

At least two Egyptians were killed on Friday as Mursi supporters clashed with opponents during mass protests against the government, the Health Ministry said.

(With AFP)

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