Ousted President Morsi detained for 15 days pending investigation

2013-635084893763946719-394A top Egyptian court has ordered the detension of ousted president Mohamed Morsi for 15 days pending investigation to question him over suspected collaboration with Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. Morsi will be quizzed on whether he collaborated with Hamas in attacks on police stations and prison breaks in early 2011, in which the Islamist and other political inmates escaped during the revolt against strongman Hosni Mubarak.

The ousted president is facing charges including collaborating and spying for foreign group “Hamas” in order to organize attacks against police facilities, police officers and soldiers. He is also accused of escaping from Wadi El Natron prison and destroying the prison’s official records as well as the intentional killing of officers, and some prisoners besides the kidnapping of some officers and soldiers. The alleged crimes are being investigated by a Cairo court that was tasked to determine how inmates broke out of a prison late January 2011, after accusations that Morsi’s Islamist group sought the help of the Hamas rulers of Gaza.

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