Overseas Filipino worker stuffed in suitcase in Egypt was killed by co-worker, DFA is told

OFWThe man who killed a female overseas Filipino worker and kept her body inside a suitcase has been arrested, the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said. The suspect, a male co-worker of the victim who hails from the Republic of Central Africa, has confessed to the crime while under police custody, DFA spokesperson Raul Hernandez said on Wednesday. “The police’s findings were corroborated by the pieces of information provided by the victim’s friends,” Hernandez said. The department has not received much information yet about the OFW’s work, her name, and the reason she was killed, he said. However, Hernandez pointed out that the killing was premeditated and that the suspect also stole the victim’s laptop, camera, and mobile phones. “We don’t know yet the other details of the case, part of it he stole the victim’s laptop, camera, and mobile phones after killing her in her residence and leaving her body in the garage,” he said. On August 17, the DFA reported that the unnamed female OFW was killed in Cairo, Egypt and was found locked in a large suitcase which was left around the dump site in Nasar City. The body wasn’t identified immediately due to its advanced stage of decomposition. Her families and relatives in Mindanao were informed about her death on August 21, four days after her body was found in the suitcase. “According to the police, the victim’s remains could be released in two weeks. The Embassy will process the repatriation of her remains as soon as possible,” Hernandez said. 15 OFWs due from Egypt Meanwhile, as part of the Philippines’ mandatory repatriation program, 15 OFWs from Egypt are set to arrive on August 30 via Gulf Air and nine Filipinos are set to leave Cairo on September 1. They comprise the second batch of repatriated workers after the DFA raised the alert level to 4. Six thousand Filipinos live and work in Egypt.

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