Pro-Morsy protesters build walls around sit-in

Protest wallsProtesters in Rabaa al-Adaweya started building steel walls around the site of their sit-in fearing their protest would be forcibly dispersed during Eid al-Fitr. Egypt Independent has learned that the Muslim Brotherhood has placed sand, cement, and steel around the sit-in in preparation for building walls to protect the protesters against possible attacks or attempts to break up the protest by security forces. The protesters are planning to build walls and place electronic doors so as to control entry and exit to Rabaa al-Adaweya. Residents of the neighbourhood who want the premises vacated have meanwhile given the protesters a grace period during the Eid holiday. Other residents have filed reports with the police, accusing the Brotherhood of monopolizing the square and threatening societal peace in the area. The Brotherhood decided to stage a sit-in in Rabaa al-Adaweya one week before the 30 June protests in response to calls by the Freedom and Justice Party to do so.

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