REUTERS – Egypt seeks up to 175,000 T of gasoline for August

Egyptian General Petroleum Corp (EGPC) is seeking up to 175,000 tonnes of gasoline for delivery in August, tender documents showed on Friday.

The state-owned firm would like three cargoes of 30,000 to 35,000 tonnes each of 95-octane gasoline for delivery into Alexandria port over Aug. 1 to 3, Aug. 13 to 15 and Aug. 22 to 24.

In a separate tender, it is also looking for two cargoes of 30,000 to 35,000 tonnes each of the transport fuel for delivery into Suez port over Aug. 2 to 4 and Aug. 20 to 22.

Both tenders close on July 6 and are valid until July 10.

(Reporting by Jessica Jaganathan; Editing by Joseph Radford)

This content is from :Reuters
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