Tight security measures imposed ahead of celebrations

Al-Masry Al-Youm

Security services in governorates across Egypt resumed on Wednesday tightened measures taken to secure churches ahead of the Christmas celebrations.


Cordons were placed around churches, dogs and explosive detection devices were increases and security personnel were added at checkpoints.


In Qalyubiya, additional security personnel were deployed to secure churches. Tightened measures were put in place at squares and streets in the vicinity of churches in Shubra al-Kheima, Banha and Khosous. Some main roads leading to churches were closed.


In Menoufiya, Major General Khaled Aboul Fotouh, security chief, inspected the troops securing the churches to ensure their readiness. He instructed troops to confront without hesitation any attempts to ruin the celebrations.


In Sharqiya, security officials were instructed to take precautionary measures fearing violence. In Qena, Major General Salah Hassan, security chief, said security troops were ordered to be on high alert. Areas surrounding the churches were combed to ensure they were secured. Barriers were placed near churches.


In Damietta, Major General Nader Geneidy, security chief, urged security personnel to develop their security strategies continuously to prevent any attempts of violence.


In Gharbiya, Major General Hossam Khalifa, security chief, checked the security measures taken to secure churches. He urged installation of surveillance cameras.


In Beheira, high security measures were taken to secure churches and monasteries. Major General Alaa Eddin Shawqy, the security chief, urged troops to highly secure the churches during the celebrations.


Meanwhile, the Two Saints Church in Alexandria will hold mass to commemorate victims of the blast that occurred in 2011, leaving dozens killed and injured. The church will mark the anniversary of the tragedy starting today for three consecutive days.


Priest Roweis Morqos, the official spokesperson of the church, said families of the victims and injured will attend the mass.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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