UK condemns use of force against protesters in Egypt

WILWilliam Hague calls on all sides to refrain from violence and to hold to account those responsible for killing protesters. “I am deeply concerned by recent events in Egypt, and condemn the use of force against protesters which has led to the loss of lives,” William Hague, the UK Foreign Secretary said in a statement released on Saturday. The UK government called on the Egyptian authorities to respect human rights, including the right of peaceful protest. “Now is the time for dialogue, not confrontation,” the statement read, adding that it is the responsibility of leaders on all sides to take steps to reduce tensions. Alistair Burt, the UK Middle East minister, met Egyptian ministers and Muslim Brotherhood representatives during his visit to Cairo on 24 and 25 July. Burt expressed his concerns about the number of protestors that have died in recent weeks. The UK called on the Egyptian authorities to act to cease the use of violence against protestors including live fire. Hague insist on “holding to account those responsible” for killing protesters. He reiterated the call for the release of political leaders detained following the events of 3 July, unless they are charged in accordance with the law. “Such charges must be free from any suspicion that they are politically motivated,” Hague added The UK government believes the new regime in Egypt needs to return quickly to democracy after the removal of Mohamed Morsi, the democratically-elected president, from power on 3 July. Egypt saw nationwide demonstrations on 30 June calling for an end to Morsi’s presidency. “In our view, Egypt needs a political process that includes all groups on an equal footing leading to early and fair elections which all parties are able to contest,” Hague said.

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